My art career started here way long ago in the BBS, now Im back as part of a "recession-proof industry" lets call it
also known as CYMTK

Taylor @topazknight

ha hoo Art


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topazknight's News

Posted by topazknight - November 9th, 2022

New art soon, its tough to pick out what pieces I feel are *finished*

There is art, dont misunderstand, theres not art that I feel is up to the specific standard I hold for posting here

If there were a place to post my terrible joke drawings or quick sketches that'll be a discovery for another time

On the other side of things, posting while Im awake is rough because the net goes out so frequently, and for long periods of time. It took 45 minutes yesterday to download a 5MiB file. Hows a guy supposed to stream with this?

Until then, got some atmospheric pieces in the pipe for later, and maybe hints at a side-canon Im working on

Soon (tm)

Posted by topazknight - April 1st, 2022

Yeah sorry bout that

Have been doing this Pay-what-you-want drive thing for people to donate to help cover a friends' medical bills, the quality level promised in return wasnt really up to standard as something Id present as a rendered piece, but itll start again shortly dont you worry B)

Posted by topazknight - November 11th, 2021




For that eye catching flare that gets people listening B)

Inquire in DM's or below ~

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Posted by topazknight - October 7th, 2021

Update ya damn emails, ESPECIALLY if you signed up over 10 years ago on an email you no longer use.

Especially if you dont actually use the email associated with it

Especially if your account uses an inactive yahoo account over 10 years old.

I recently just went on an adventure, we'll call it.

My email used for this was 14 years old, an email I only remembered when seeing it sparked the memory.

Turns out, yahoo just straight up deletes old accounts with low usage that are over 10 years old, so if you're relying on any sortof recovery email sent to it- be prepared for a cold jolt of "Oh no"

In that same breath, shout out to this site for somehow remaining as one of the most eager-to-help and supportive Ive used-- pretty much ever.

I'd be on a new account and very sad right now if the staff here werent fantastic.

So, huge thanks to them.

UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT INFO, and if you use a password manager make sure you have that shit MEMORIZED.

"Remember me" and "Save password" are a trap to forget, and I feel its how I lose a lot of my login info.



Posted by topazknight - October 6th, 2021

Some context.

I do a lot of character work. A lot of this character work has a history on its previous respective platforms.

I could post a lot of it here, and there is a lot of it, sure! But.

Without the context of who these characters are or how they came about, why theyre doing what theyre doing--

A lot of missing information leads to a critical lack of interest I feel.

Similarly theres a lot of sketchwork done that fills out a vast majority of my portfolio and I just do not feel like thats what I want to be putting forward as 'my best works'. Nothing against sketchwork of course, instead its that I feel as though my sketchwork personally isnt as good as it should be if I plan on posting it here.

Who knows, maybe Ill make some new characters exclusively for the site-- Or put the effort in to make these long-haul characters more accessible to viewers who arent yet aware of them.



Posted by topazknight - September 29th, 2021

Bring the mayhem ~


Posted by topazknight - December 8th, 2020

Im back for a little looksie over of what a mothballed NG account looked like and a little cringefest at my past self.

Its one of those Id probably smack myself moments, but take a look around the blog posts if you care to, lends a great deal to a sense of "persistence works."

2020 can eat my whole ass, see you all in 10 more years :P